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Cristina Servin:  Age, Career, Net Worth, Wiki, And Family

Cristina Servin is best known to the public as the wife of UFC fighter Tony Ferguson, but she is a fascinating individual in her own right. This blog will delve into her life, covering her age, career, family, net worth, and more, offering a complete picture of who Cristina Servin is beyond her association with her famous husband.

Early Life and Background

Cristina Servin was born on August 15, 1991, making her 32 years old as of 2024. She was born and raised in California, where she spent most of her childhood. Growing up in the vibrant and diverse environment of California helped shape her into the person she is today.


Cristina attended local schools in California and was known for being a bright and diligent student. She later went on to attend the California State University, Fullerton, where she graduated with a degree in Business Administration. Her education has played a significant role in her life, equipping her with the skills and knowledge necessary for her personal and professional endeavors.


While Cristina Servin is primarily known for her relationship with Tony Ferguson, she has built a career for herself independently of her husband. Cristina is a businesswoman and has been involved in various ventures over the years.

Business Ventures

Cristina has utilized her business degree in several ways. She has been involved in managing family businesses and investments, ensuring their financial stability and growth. Her acumen in business has made her an integral part of her family’s economic success.

Public Persona

Cristina has also gained attention through her public appearances with Tony Ferguson. While she tends to keep a low profile, her grace and poise at public events have made her a well-regarded figure among UFC fans and the broader public.

Family Life

Family is a central part of Cristina Servin’s life. Her relationship with Tony Ferguson and their children is often highlighted in the media, providing a glimpse into her personal life.

Marriage to Tony Ferguson

Cristina Servin married Tony Ferguson in 2012. Tony, born on February 12, 1984, is a prominent figure in the mixed martial arts world, known for his impressive career in the UFC. The couple’s relationship has been marked by mutual support and love, despite the challenges that come with being in the public eye.


Cristina and Tony have one son, Armand Anthony, born in 2016. Cristina often shares moments of their family life on social media, showcasing a close-knit and loving family environment. Parenting is a significant part of Cristina’s life, and she takes great pride in raising their son.

Extended Family

Cristina’s extended family is also important to her. She maintains close relationships with her relatives, often spending time with them during holidays and special occasions. Her strong family bonds are a testament to her values and upbringing.

Net Worth

Cristina Servin’s net worth is not publicly disclosed, but it is clear that she enjoys a comfortable lifestyle. Her involvement in business ventures and her husband’s successful career in the UFC contribute to their financial stability.

Tony Ferguson’s Net Worth

Tony Ferguson’s net worth is estimated to be around $2 million. As a top UFC fighter, he has earned significant income from fights, endorsements, and sponsorships. Cristina’s business ventures also add to the family’s overall wealth.

Physical Attributes

Cristina Servin is known for her striking appearance. Here are some details about her physical attributes:


Cristina stands at approximately 5 feet 7 inches (170 cm) tall. Her height complements her elegant and graceful demeanor.


Cristina has a naturally beautiful look, with dark hair and a warm smile. She maintains a fit and healthy lifestyle, which is evident in her appearance.

Personal Interests and Hobbies

Cristina Servin has a range of interests and hobbies that she enjoys in her personal time. These activities provide a balance to her busy life as a businesswoman and mother.

Fitness and Health

Given her husband’s career in mixed martial arts, it is no surprise that Cristina places a high value on fitness and health. She often engages in various physical activities, including yoga, running, and strength training.


Cristina enjoys traveling and exploring new places. She often shares pictures from their family trips, showing a love for adventure and new experiences. Traveling provides a way for her to relax and spend quality time with her family.


Cooking is another passion of Cristina’s. She loves experimenting with new recipes and cuisines, often preparing meals for her family. Her cooking skills are well-appreciated by her husband and son.

Philanthropy and Community Involvement

Cristina Servin is also involved in philanthropic activities. She and Tony have participated in various charitable events and initiatives, giving back to the community. Cristina’s compassion and dedication to helping others are evident in her philanthropic efforts.

Mental Health Advocacy

In recent years, Cristina has become an advocate for mental health awareness. Her support for Tony during his struggles with mental health issues has been widely recognized. Cristina’s advocacy aims to reduce the stigma around mental health and encourage people to seek help when needed.

Challenges and Resilience

Life in the public eye comes with its own set of challenges, and Cristina Servin has faced her share. Her husband’s high-profile career in the UFC has brought both positive and negative attention to their family.

Public Scrutiny

Being married to a famous athlete means that Cristina is often under public scrutiny. She has managed to handle this with grace, maintaining her composure even during challenging times. Her ability to stay grounded and support her family is a testament to her resilience.

Tony Ferguson’s Mental Health Struggles

Tony Ferguson’s mental health struggles have been well-documented. During these difficult times, Cristina’s unwavering support and advocacy for her husband’s well-being have been crucial. She has stood by Tony, helping him navigate his mental health challenges and ensuring he gets the help he needs.

Social Media Presence

Cristina Servin is active on social media, where she shares glimpses of her life and family. Her social media presence provides a platform for her to connect with fans and supporters.


Cristina’s Instagram account is a mix of family photos, travel snapshots, and moments from her daily life. She uses the platform to share her experiences and connect with her followers, offering a more personal look into her life.


On Twitter, Cristina engages with fans and discusses topics close to her heart, such as mental health advocacy. Her tweets often reflect her thoughts on current events and issues, providing insight into her views and opinions.

Future Plans

As Cristina Servin continues to support her husband and raise their son, she also has her own aspirations and plans for the future. Her dedication to her family and her business ventures suggest a bright future ahead.

Continued Business Endeavors

Cristina plans to continue her involvement in business, exploring new opportunities and ventures. Her business acumen and education equip her with the skills to succeed in various fields, and she is always looking for new ways to grow and expand.

Advocacy Work

Cristina intends to further her advocacy work, particularly in the area of mental health. She hopes to raise awareness and provide support for those struggling with mental health issues, using her platform to make a positive impact.

Family Goals

Cristina’s primary focus remains her family. She looks forward to continuing to support Tony in his career and raising their son, ensuring that their family remains strong and united.


Cristina Servin is a remarkable woman whose life is characterized by resilience, dedication, and compassion. As the wife of UFC fighter Tony Ferguson, she has faced the challenges that come with public life with grace and strength. Her own career in business, combined with her philanthropic efforts and advocacy work, make her a notable figure in her own right.

Cristina’s commitment to her family, her support for her husband’s career, and her advocacy for mental health awareness are just a few of the many facets that make up her inspiring story. As she continues to navigate her life’s journey, there is no doubt that Cristina Servin will continue to make a positive impact on those around her.

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